Friday, May 1, 2009

My First Fees Paid to Bonanzle

I am now a proud 9 Point owner on Bonanzle today. I have paid my first fees, I was grandfathered in the 1st 6 months. I was member #363.

Yes, I know I am cheap, but is it wrong to want more value for my money than less these days? I am quite pleased because I knew early on that Bonanzle would be my new home base. I am so willing to pay for such a valuable service, quickly and happily. Thanks Bonanzle!

My Point Parade:

# Points_to_consider

bobbi85710 has done all of the following:

1. Filled out profile information about themselves. See profile.
2. Used a valid credit card to pay Bonanzle fees or membership dues.
3. Received personal recommendations from other Bonanzle members. See them at the bottom of their profile page.
4. Received at least five positive feedback from transactions occurring on Bonanzle. See all feedback.
5. Filled out a detailed overview of their booth. See their detailed overview.
6. Provided detailed policies for their booth. See their booth policies.
7. Posted at least 20 messages in the Bonanzle message forums (118 messages, to be exact).
8. Given at least one other way they can be found online or offline, besides Bonanzle. See profile.
9. Logged into Bonanzle within the last month.

There are nine total points we consider when compiling the above list. A score of four is about normal for a user that has been at Bonanzle longer than a month. Very few users have more than seven. See all points considered here.


Bill said...

Too bad we don't let you pay with that $500 of Twitter value you have :) You could pay your fees through 2025 with that much cash... :)

Bobbi85710 said...

Hey watch out now, I've upgraded, I'm up to $685 :)