Monday, October 27, 2008

My Personal Take as Christmas Shopping Season Begins

Bonanzle is the most rapid growing internet commerce site ever. It has been tailored to the interests and expectations of sellers and buyers alike. No doubt about it, it is “The Internet Darling”.

Proof is in the pudding. I have a booth there and I have had:
Booth views: 6457. I never saw those kind of views on the other site in the 11+ years I was there.

Bonanzle is doing everything right and there are others trying to imitate the feel, the look, the success but you can’t improve on perfection. If you haven’t been by yet, come and say hi. You’ll be glad you did!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Adding another Blog

Here's another blog that I work with.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lots of Good Fun and High Profiles

This is the fastest growing site that I have ever had the pleasure of working on. Deals galore......happy sellers.......happy buyers.....wonderful owners. It's the 21st Century Site for just about anything you can imagine.

It is blogged more often and incorporated in more online articles than one can imagine. Here's one example where Bonanzle is mentioned:

When did you join...............what you haven't heard of ? Go check it out, 4 questions to join. If you want a one-click referral link, here you go:

This is my Christmas shopping venue this year!!!!!!!