Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bonanzle Always in Pursuit of Excellence

Today's Blog by Bill on Bonanzle starts: "Fast Growth vs. Smart Growth May 07, 2009 Here at Bonanzle Headquarters, we spend a lot of time thinking about what Bonanzle will look like 6-12 months down the road (and beyond). Many of our "old timers" have been able to enjoy the oft-recounted tales of our snappy growth to date, having now built to almost one million unique monthly visitors and two million items less than a year after our launch. This growth has been fast (and exciting!), but in considering the longer-term vision for Bonanzle, the key question is always: what next? ......"

The rest of the Blog entry:

Bill does a bang up job of explaining the priorities and direction of Bonanzle tools, adjustments, and reason.

As my comment on the Blog states: "bobbi85710 says:
05/07/09 at 09:34:00

I’m always so glad that adjustments remain in the best interest of all. Informative and transparent in the pursuit of excellence. Thank-you!"

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