Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thank-you to Bonanzle and More - Best Foot Forward

Sometimes you just need to say 'Thank-you' as I have done in the PSU forums. It is still a whirl wind of chaos at Powersellersunite.com so I wanted my thoughts known here:

Post Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:30 am Post subject: #33
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I am so glad that I am so busy selling these days that I don't have the free time to engage on the PSU forums as often.

Real sellers, sell at their chosen venues with all the transparency and amenities offered.

First, I thank Bill & Mark for every advantage they provide to us with Bonanzle.

I thank AuctionWally for his Brainstorming Bonanzle show.

I thank Scott Pooler for his Bonanzle store opportunity.

I thank Ina Steiner for her articles and EPIS.

I thank Google for providing top viewing for our listings and high search.

I thank every Bonanzle member for outstanding performance.

I am grateful to have these strong individuals and businesses for support as well as many other sites and individuals. You make my sales a breeze.

Best Foot Forward, One Step at a Time!


reener said...

yes, those sites do make it much easier for us sellers to get our wares out there!

Cape Ann Auction said...

Your very welcome to any part I've taken in the promotion and progress of Bonanzle.

I am such a strong Bonanzle advocate precisely because the community as a whole is a very positive and appreciative group of people.

Good luck, and have fun selling!

Unknown said...

I want to thank YOU Bobbi....
You have set a good example for many new sellers.....With more like you, Bonanzle and eccomernce as a whole will continue to thrive and gain repect.

Unknown said...


Thanks for the nice comments! And for mentioning http://bonanzle-webstore.com .

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you with your own store!


ByLightOfMoon said...

I am thankful also, I am just still waiting for my first sale.
I follw here as ByLightOfMoon, My blog and I Bonanzle as frstyfrolk
