Tuesday, March 3, 2009

BusinessWeek Looks to Bonanzle

It's a Shoe-In, BusinessWeek Eyes Bonanzle. Read about it here:


*****btw it is interesting to read comments left behind there as well. I was surprised to find another venue owner attempting to detract, then leave a link. Well, I'll never use him for a second, third or fourth venue choice. Not cool to ride on another's coattail of success in business. jmo but I believe it's valid.


Bill said...

I had a feeling there was a term to use to describe that silly fellow's comments. I ended up remembering two terms that capture it: "spurious" and "sour grapes"

Gotta give him some credit though, at least he disclaims his origins, unlike the PSU bandit.

Unknown said...

Hi, this is Jerry, I feel that your comments and that of Bill, really goes to prove my comments to be correct, I was really hoping that I was wrong in my comments, I left them for one reason and it wasn't to ride the coattail of another site's success or because of sour grapes.It was because of what I had read about Bonanzle in some other blogs and on bonanzle's forums, we left the comments to see if the same would happen to me as it has with others who are not proBonanzle and wow to be called a silly fellow by Bill sort of makes me really have sour grapes, I am silly because I leave the only negative comment on Bonanzle out of all the comments left. I did not leave my link to get new users, this should be obvious to anyone that reads it, if I wanted new users from the comments I left, I would have left a probonanzle comment. Bonanzle has rode the coattails of 1000 upon 1000s of others by spamming the entire net,making anti ebay comments and attacking anyone who disagrees with them, I allow my users to leave links back to Bonanzle or any other site on their item pages and will continue to do so, yes even for bonanzle because we are efleaa, we are you.